Moving into a home with a majestic fireplace installed in the living room or bedroom will fill you with joy. The thought of spending the cold winter evenings by the side of a roaring fire is tempting. Sure, you have to think about bringing the firewood in and keeping the hearth clean after every use. No worries! You do not have to kneel on all fours and sweep the ashes painstakingly anymore. Simply invest in a sturdy fireplace toolset and eliminate the maintenance issues at one go.
You will get a variety of tools by investing in a single set. Usually, the best products will contain at least four or possibly five different tools with each of them meant for handling a specific function. You may also be asked to look at multiple accessories that are more ornate than functional. Select them if you want your interiors to be aesthetically appealing and become a talked-about element in your neighborhood.
Unfortunately, you just cannot do without some of the basic tools namely a pair of tongs. Picking up a blazing log from the center of the hearth and pushing it to one side can be done perfectly without the risk of incurring burn injuries.
Inquire about poker if you are unable to locate it in the set, however. This will be essential for poking at the fire and rekindling the fire when you find it going down within minutes. You cannot do without a broom or brush as well as the spade either. All of these are tools meant to clean up the mess made by ashes that accumulate within the hearth blocking easy access to the fire. It is customary to sweep out the ashes and clean the hearth completely after the fire is out. Hiring several people to clean the fireplace can be well avoided when you have the required tools handy.
Buying the first set of tools that are shown to you would be an improper decision on your part. It is necessary to educate yourself about the things to check and inquire if you want to get your money’s worth. Some of the things that you need to decide upon even before you visit the seller are:-
- Material- The tools both basic and additional accessories are crafted out of different materials. Admittedly the price would vary sharply for each set too. You are welcome to choose between wrought iron, brass, hammered & stainless-steel tools. The wrought iron tools with brass plating may be affordable while premium stainless steel tools are more durable and resistant to rust.
- Length of Handle-It is most important to keep the tools at an arm’s length while tending to the fire. It is essential to measure the length of the handles as you certainly do not want to be burnt while using the poker, tongs, or spade/brush. Select a set that contains tools of at least 24 inches in length when you are eager to use it indoors. You would have to go for extra length when have installed a fireplace in your garden or yard.
Do not forget to consider the holder while investing in a fireplace toolset either. The right holder will enable you to store the tools neatly after you are done using them.