Learning What is Biological Safety with Martin Lloyd Sanders


Also called biosafety, this refers to the condition of protecting the environment, the workers, and the community at large from being exposed to or suffering accidental release of biological hazardous. Biological safety, according to an expert on the subject, Martin Lloyd Sanders, includes the practices, equipment, and also buildings that help in this kind of protection effectively.

At a time when the entire globe is having to face one of the most difficult times of their lives, the pandemic caused due to the Covid-19 virus, biosafety has become the need of the hour. It could be called an integrated and strategic approach toward understanding and managing all the risks that humans, animals, or the environment are exposed to. It recognizes the links between the crucial links between sectors and the capability of a particular hazard to work within those sectors and cause massive damage.

The three main concepts within this field of science are based on the intention of eradication or minimization of the biological contamination within the community. They include the likes of biological hazards, bio containment, and bio protection. Biological hazards could be explained as those risks which are caused by uncontrolled exposure to certain toxic biological agents.

Martin Lloyd Sanders and other knowledgeable people on this subject refer to biocontainment as the protection of the larger community from being affected by the accidental leakage of contagious diseases during experimentation at research centers or other places of their origin.

Finally, protection would refer to safeguarding biological integrity. By virtue of this preventive measures are taken to curb the effect of the intentional release of something toxic into the environment. It helps in the reduction of the risks of loss, theft, and mishandling of harmful pathogens as well.

The primary components of this concept comprise:

Standards – those who work towards the maintenance of biosafety must be aware of the kind of risks attached to it and work according to the requirements of being protected from such risks while carrying out one’s responsibilities.

Universality – the protective measures issued in lieu of some contagion that is spread ought to be followed by the community at large. This is because everyone is a possible carrier of this toxic disease. Thus, it is mandatory that everyone follow the rules that are set in this regard.

Barriers these can be divided into two groups. One is immunization and the other is broken up into two parts – primary barriers and secondary barriers. Martin Lloyd Sanders says that primary barriers include the use of personal protective equipment such as gloves, masks, and suits. The secondary barriers would refer to the workplaces which are insulated, the use of hand wash and sanitizers, and ventilation systems.

Elimination – this final component refers to the proper disposal of all the wastes generated by strictly complying with the standards, codes of practice, regulations, and legislation.

Thus, at a time when there is a threat to the entire community by some biological miscreants, biosafety plays a crucial and responsible role in sustaining everyone.

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