How Long Does it Take to Dry Clean a Suit?


Dry cleaning is one of the gentle methods of taking care of your suit. It will keep it out of contact with water.

If you’re in a hurry and want to get your suit dry-cleaned but don’t know how long it takes to dry clean, this guide has the answer and will provide you with easy steps to follow when you want to get your suit dry-cleaned.  

How Often to Dry Clean Suit?

It all depends on how often you wear them.  Examine your clothing and habits carefully. You should get it dry cleaned frequently if you wear it frequently, such as three or four times per week.

Once or twice a month will do. Of course, you won’t need them as regularly if you only wear them rarely. Then you should do it once a year.

When brushing, airing out, and stain treatment is no longer sufficient to get rid of the odor, filth, and stains, then it’s time to send them off for dry cleaning.

How Long Does It Take to Dry Clean a Suit?

The exact answer to “how long does it take to dry clean a suit” is 3-4 hours. 

Due to many factors that could require a longer time, dry cleaning could take several days. Considerations like the amount of dirt in the clothes, the type of clothing, and other related considerations. 

Cleaning a full suit could take longer than cleaning a regular pair of dress pants or a dress shirt. However, you may expect to receive it back in 2 days on average, and perhaps much sooner.

A tuxedo is a formal garment with numerous components that needs particular handling; as a result, you may expect a turnaround time of two days for something of that level. For that, you must understand how long does it take to dry clean a suit. 

How to Dry Clean a Suit at Home?

If you’re in a hurry and can’t wait all that time to send your suit to dry cleaning, you can dry clean it at home but with special care. 

You already now know how long does it take to dry clean a suit. Here are some simple steps for washing a dry-clean-only case at home:

1. Check the label to machine-wash suit jackets. Even if your suit is labeled as dry clean only and is made of wool, silk, cotton, or linen, you can probably wash it at home. 

In fact, suit jackets can sometimes be machine-washed.

2. Test a small area of your suit before washing it to see what happens. Apply a small amount of fabric conditioner and detergent to a small area of your suit after wetting it. After that, use a cotton swab to swab the cleaned area.

The suit needs to be dry-cleaned if any of the colors bleed into the cotton swab. If it doesn’t, you can continue. 

3. It’s time to wash your suit now. As soon as your suit is clean, gently rub any stains away by dipping it in and out of a bowl of cold water while using Persil Silk & Wool. After that, give it a cold-water rinse and let it air dry.

Yes, it’s that easy! Knowing how long it takes to dry clean a suit is important to get a clean and tidy suit that you can wear comfortably. Dry cleaning should be done carefully on your suit.