Foods you should avoid while wearing dental implants


Dental implants offer a number of advantages over traditional dentures. They look like your natural teeth, and they won’t slip the way that dentures do. This sturdy and seamless fit makes speaking, smiling and eating trouble-free. Dentures can make these everyday activities a struggle. It’s important to know that there are some guidelines in terms of eating after dental implant surgery. Here are some foods you should avoid while wearing dental implants for the first several weeks, as well as what you can eat.

Immediately After Receiving Dental Implants

One of the reasons many patients choose implants over other dental replacement methods is because implants provide the strength you need in your jaw to be able to chew with ease. In the initial days and weeks following receipt of your dental implants, you will need to be careful to follow the instructions you are given for post-recovery care. You’ll need to wait about an hour before having anything to eat or drink. The first 48 hours will require consuming only a cool liquid diet. In addition, don’t drink from straws or use cups that require suction. If you do this, it will put a lot of pressure on the implant site. You’ll also likely be advised to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages or smoking for at least a few days.

Right after your surgery, you’ll only be able to eat cool or cold foods that don’t require chewing. It’s also important to choose items that provide plenty of nutrients. Chances are, you may not feel up to eating much, so it’s crucial you pack as much nutrition as possible into the items you do eat. Cold soups are one option to consider. Applesauce is another popular and good-for-you choice. Smoothies pack a punch when it comes to healthy ingredients. They’re easy to prepare and quite filling. While they don’t require chewing, be sure to remember to skip the straw.

In the Following Weeks

In the following weeks, you can begin to expand your menu. However, during the first three months, you will still need to follow a soft food diet. You should accept the fact that your implants will be fusing with the jawbone, or you may be wearing a temporary prosthesis during this period. Your recovery period is only temporary. Talk to your dentist about the various implant options. Some, like all on four dental implants, may be less invasive than individual implants.

Look for soft foods with high protein content, as well as other necessary nutrients. Eating a healthy diet will encourage your recovery. There is no shortage of choices when it comes to appropriate foods during the three months following your surgery.

Some items to consider include:

  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Cheese
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Fish
  • Chicken
  • Ground beer
  • Potatoes

So, these are a few items you may want to add to your post-implant menu. Your practitioner may be able to suggest some additional options. You’ll soon get the hang of your new diet plan, and before long, your recovery period will end. Then, you will have very few dietary restrictions due to your dental implants.

Foods to Avoid

During your recovery, there will be foods you should avoid. A soft food diet opens up a greater variety of food choices than you had immediately following dental implant surgery. However, you’ll need to take care and use caution during the healing process.

During the first few weeks, avoid the following types of foods and beverages:

  • Spicy foods
  • Hot foods and beverages
  • Chewy foods
  • Sticky foods
  • Crunchy foods
  • Tough foods
  • Acidic foods and drinks

Stay away from anything that requires extensive biting or chewing, as well as items that can aggravate your sensitive gums.

Now that you know what to expect following your dental implant surgery, you can take steps to have some soft foods on hand. During this time, it is crucial to get proper nutrition and stay hydrated. While you should avoid some foods during the weeks that follow, you will eventually be able to eat normally without pain or problems.